Monday, November 30, 2009

Campaign Move 9

Campaign Diary
1600 to 2000 3 June 1813

French reinforcements on their way to the river Saale

The Russians broke off contact at Naumburg and withdrew along the road to Zeitz. It wasearly in the battle and there were no casualties on either side. The French are now in possession of Naumburg.

The French have also crossed the river Saale further south and occupied Gera.

Apart from the brief engagement at Naumburg, the Russians have not attempted to stop the French from crossing the river Saale.

At the end of 3 June Napoleon is well pleased with the progress he has made. He has established two bridgeheads over the river Saale and is well placed to continue his advance on Dresden.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Campaign Move 4

Battle of Naumburg

0800 - 1200 3 June 1813

Imperial Garde cross river Saale and approach Naumburg

Wargame Move One – 1200 hrs

First move – Russian corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

5 command points

Continue along Zeitz road towards Naumburg behind cavalry screen

Second move – French corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

6 command points

Cross bridge over river Saale and deploy to attack Naumburg.

Cavalry brigade protect crossing against enemy cuirassiers

Russian and French infantry enter opposite ends of town

Wargame Move Two – 1300 hrs

First move – Kutuzov

6 command points

Moves forward to join cavalry screen and observe enemy

Second move – Russian corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

5 command points

Leading grenadier brigade enters western section of Naumburg.

Artillery move to the east of the town supported by infantry

Remaining infantry deploy behind cover of the town

Third move – French corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

7 command points

Artillery moves forward behind cavalry screen and unlimbers

Leading infantry brigade enters western section of town

Remainder of infantry deploy to west of town.

Garde infantry form column of attack

Wargame Move Three – 1400 hrs

First move – French corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

6 command points

Artillery out of command range cannot fire

Commander moves forward

Artillery man handle forward

Infantry form column of attack

Second move – Russian corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

5 command points

Move guns forward and unlimber

Cavalry retire behind town away from artillery threat

Third move - Kutuzov

6 command points

Move to corps commander

Change orders to Engage town

The Imperial Garde prepare to attack town

Wargame Move Four – 1500 hrs

First move – Russian corps

Orders - Engage town

5 command points

Cavalry redeploy to protect eastern flank

Infantry deploy behind cover of town

Second move – French corps

Orders - Move to Naumburg

5 command points

Cavalry advance to cover eastern flank

Artillery limber and move closer to town

Infantry deploy in preparation to assault town

Third move – Kutuzov

4 command points

Move to cavalry to observe enemy preparations

End of Campaign Move 8

Marshal Kutuzov orders a retreat back along the Zietz road. Neither corps are in close combat and with the cavalry forming the rear guard the withdrawal is completed in good order.

1 French corps occupy Naumburg and await further orders

There were no casualties on either side during this brief skirmish.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Campaign Move 4

Battle of Naumburg
0800 - 1200 3 June 1813

Campaign Map to Wargames Table

Campaign background

At first light on the morning of 3 June 1813 general Sacken was approaching Naumburg on the east bank of the river Saale, when he received reports from his cavalry screen that French cavalry had crossed the river and were approaching the town from the west. He ordered his cavalry to contain the enemy and discover what was behind the cavalry screen

The French cavalry was a brigade of chasseurs, the advance guard of the 1st corps, the Imperial Garde. Napoleon was not present, and the decision whether to fight or not rested with general Friant. Without hesitation he ordered his corps to cross the bridge and advance on Naumburg, the cavalry would hold their ground to cover the crossing.

French Order of Battle

1 French Corps General Friant (G)
1 Infantry Brigade CA FB SB
2 Infantry Brigade CB FB SB
3 Infantry Brigade CB FC SB
4 Infantry Brigade CC FC SC
1 Cavalry Brigade CA Light
1 Foot Artillery CA 12 pounder

Russian Order of Battle

2 Corps General Sacken (A)
5 Infantry Brigade CA FB SB
6 Infantry Brigade CB FB SB
7 Infantry Brigade CB FC SB
8 Infantry Brigade CC FC SC
2 Cavalry Brigade CB Heavy
Corps Artillery CB 12 pounder

Wargames Table

The town at the crossroads is Naumberg. The top road leads to Halle and the bottom to Gera. The road on the right is from Zeitz and on the left to Weimar. The river is the Saale. The terrain is open and flat except for one hill to the west of the Gera road.

The Russians are approaching the town from the right along the Zeitz road, their cavalry are south of the town observing the French advance

The French are just starting to cross the river, and their cavalry are deployed to protect the crossing from the enemy cavalry

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Campaign Move 8

Campaign Diary

1200 to 1600 3 June 1813

Campaign map at start of battle

1st French corps cross the river Saale and approach Naumburg. Their cavalry immediately clash with cavalry from 2nd Russian corps. Both sides have orders to occupy the town, which results in the first battle of the campaign.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Campaign Move 7

Campaign Diary
0800 to 1200 3 June 1813

French corps approach river Saale

French cavalry cross river Saale and move eastwards. They are soon in contact with Russian cavalry and deploy but await further orders. Napoleon is too far to the rear to take personal command of the situation, and the decision whether to engage is left to the corps commanders on the spot.

Campaign Move 6

Campaign Diary
1600 to 2000 2 June 1813

Napoleon meets with his corps commanders in Erfurt

Napoleon is reported to have arrived in Erfurt. The main road from Fulda is crowded with military supply convoys and large numbers of marching troops all heading east. All post houses and local government buildings have been taken over by the French authorities, and all mail seized.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Campaign Move 5

Campaign Diary
1200 to 1600 2 June 1813

French corps nearing Erfurt

French troops entered Erfurt and imposed a curfew on the civilian population. Despite this there are reports of wide spread looting and abuse of civilians. Throughout the surrounding countryside French patrols are collecting food and material from villages and farms. Despite this the local population are understood to prefer the presence of French to Russian troops.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rule 5 - Campaign Messages

There has been some cavalry contact today, and it has highlighted how necessary it is to write your emails with care.

You will all be aware that each day is divided into three sections. Each of those sections is a move in the campaign. You will see if you look at the campaign diary that Move 1 is 0800 1 June 1813

When you write a a report or send an order you should always put on it who it is from, the date and time it is sent and the location it is sent from. You should also put who it is addressed to.

I have sent cavalry contact reports to corps commanders and then been asked what time they receive the message. You can assume that all mail is received within the same move that it is sent. However your reply will be at the start of the next move. For example if you receive a report dated 0800 1 June your reply should be 1200 1 June. In other words it is sent in Move 1 and your reply will be sent in Move 2.

If you receive a report from your cavalry commander the reply should be sent to him, and possibly new orders issued to your corps. These should be sent to me as umpire. If you want to notify your cinc, or an adjacent corps commander, these should also be sent to me, as there may be a time delay imposed. Don't forget that I am your corps chief of staff, so in fact you are giving your chief of staff a message addressed to your cinc or adjacent corps commander.

It is very important that you stick to these rules. There are a lot of email going around, and they are all either addressed to me, or copied to me. It is essential that we all understand who they are from and who they are addressed to, plus the time and place they are sent from.

If you have a general query for me then just send a normal email - no need for all of the above.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Campaign Move 4

Campaign Diary
0800 to 1200 2 June 1813

1 Russian corps enter Leipzig

Large crowds of civilians left Leipzig and headed for Halle as the Russians approached the city. The King of Saxony has declared that he will remain neutral during this campaign, but that has not stopped the Russian Cossacks from creating havoc amongst the civilian population. Nor taking possession of Leipzig There are reports that Leipzig contained large amounts of military stores and equipment, which is now in Russian hands.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Campaign Move 3

Campaign Diary
1600 to 2000 1 June 1813

French army on the march

Both armies made good progress during the first day, but no contact was made between them.

Reports reached Imperial Headquarters of masses of Cossacks spreading alarm and panic amongst the towns and villages to the west of the river Saale. The French ambassador at Dresden confirmed that Kutuzov has left the city with his entire army heading towards Leipzig on the great Dresden to Halle road.

Few reports reached Kutuzov about French intentions or activities, as the Prussian towns people and villagers avoided the Russian’s like the plague. He was confident that if he continued his march west he would eventually meet with the French, and equally confident that when he did he would defeat them.

Campaign Move 2

Campaign Diary
1200 to 1600 1 June 1813

Kutuzov reviews the Russian army at Dresden

For two months Kutuzov had rested his weary army which had driven Napoleon back from Moscow the previous year. Most were ill and had to be replaced by reinforcements from Russia.

Each of the four corps contained an elite grenadier brigade, and most were well trained. But few had any experience of war.

The recent defeat of Blucher at Magdeburg had forced Kutuzov to move west to the river Saale in order to protect the strategic left flank of the broken Prussians. His men were anxious for an opportunity to finish what their comrades had begun the previous year.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Campaign Move 1

Campaign Diary
0800 to 1200 1 June 1813

Napoleon reviews First French Army at Fulda

In late May Napoleon arrived at Fulda with the Imperial Garde. He immediately reviewed the First French army, with which he would march east towards the river Saale

The Imperial Garde was not the same as the elite body which Napoleon had led into Russia the previous year. They were mainly veterans from Spain, plus the best of the new conscripts.

The remaining two French corps were also built around cadre’s from Spain and consisted mostly of garrison troops, navy personnel and raw recruits.

The Westphalian corps contained survivors from the Russian campaign, men from the coastal garrisons and yet more conscripts.

On 1 June 1813 they marched east and began the Halle campaign of 1813

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rule 4 - Contact with the enemy

Contact with the enemy

Line of sight is two squares. The corps cavalry screen is one square in front of the corps.

When two corps come within three squares of each other they will halt to await further orders. The corps commanders will be notified and must confirm what they want to do next.

Campaign Battles

All campaign battles will be fought by Paul and Jan

Map to Table

The wargames table is three squares wide by three squares deep.

A corps on move orders will retreat if an enemy on “engage” approaches them, until the corps commander changes his movement order to “engage”.


Any corps can be moved to reinforce a battle providing they are close enough. The corps commander orders his corps to “engage” onto one of the squares in the battle.

Rule 3 - Map Movement

Campaign Map

This is the only map which will be used during the campaign

Each square is the same as a scenic square on the wargames table.

Red roads are main supply routes

Rivers can only be crossed by bridges

Hills, woods and broken ground are all difficult terrain and will impose move penalties if crossed other than along the roads.

Daily Movement

On roads – three squares
Off roads in open terrain – two squares
Off roads in difficult terrain – one square

Campaign movement and movement orders

CinC will issue orders to corps commanders for the next campaign day

Corps commanders will issue a movement order for each movement phase of that day

Each day is divided into three movement phases.

Move 1 – 0800 to 1200
Move 2 – 1200 to 1600
Move 3 – 1600 to 2000

Rule 2 - Corps Commander

Role of Corps Commander

He must carry out the CinC objective to the best of his ability. However how he does it is up to him.

He will decide his daily march route, how to react to changing circumstances and protect his supply depot. This is a named town. Each town can support only one corps. There must be a road from the main supply route (red road) to the town and from the town to the corps.

Movement orders

He will issue movement orders each campaign day. They should include his destination and which squares he will cross to get there.

Example of movement orders

Subject : 6 French corps movement for 1 May

6 corps will move from Halbeck to Colbitz.

Route is F2-E2-H2

Rule 1 - Commander in Chief

Role of CinC

He is responsible for planning the campaign, resupply and command in multi corps battles.

He must give each corps commander an objective. This is normally a town or a terrain feature such as a bridge.

I will allocate the main supply base and a forward supply base for each corps at the start of the campaign. If one of these is lost to the enemy I will consult with the CinC to choose an alternative.

CinC orders

He must be within 8 map squares to issue orders

He will issue an order each campaign day.

It will confirm where his HQ is to move to, and by which squares he intends to move.

It will also confirm the next objective for each corps commander. The exact route they use will be up to them.

Example of Daily orders

Subject : French CinC orders for 3 May

HQ – move from Helstedt to Seehausen – B5 to C5 to D5 to E5

4 corps – move from Halbeck to Colbitz – search for enemy
5 corps – move from Seehausen to Magdeburg – search for enemy
6 corps – move from Groningen to Calbe– search for enemy
13 corps – remain at Helmstedt – army reserve