Saturday, October 31, 2009

Campaign Maps

Only these two maps will be used in the campaign.

Copies of these maps will be sent to each player by email so that they can keep a record of their moves and sightings of the enemy

This is the left, or western, map. This is the area in which the French army will deploy and do their initial moves.

This is the right, or eastern, map. This is the area in which the Russian army will deploy and do their initial moves.

Each side will be given their initial deployment location and their supply depot.

Campaign Background


The campaign is set in central Germany in June 1813.

Russian Army

Marshal Kutuzov has spent the last five months resting and reorganizing his army after the terrible Russian campaign of the previous year.

His army consists of four balanced corps. Each has one elite infantry brigade, two regular and one conscript. His cavalry and artillery are all well trained regulars. His commanders are average and poor.

First French Army

Since his return from Russia the previous year Napoleon has made great efforts to create his new First French Army. It combines the survivors from Russia, reinforcements from Spain and a large proportion of conscripts.

His army consists of four corps. The Imperial Garde contains the best troops. The two French corps contain average and poor troops. The Westphalian corps has the poorest troops and equipment. His commanders are better than the Russians

Start of campaign

The campaign opens on 1 June 1813.

Both armies are moving towards the river Saale.

The campaign objective is to cross the river, engage and destroy the enemy

Introduction to the Campaign

The aim of the campaign is to improve test procedures for a multi player play by email campaign, and to improve those procedures used in the previous 1813 Magdeburg Campaign.

Only the two maps provided will be used during the campaign

Historical background
This is not a historical campaign. It is set in 1813, but is not intended to follow the historical campaign

Player requirements
All players should have access to the internet Monday to Friday and they should be able to reply to an email within 24 hours.

It is anticipated that each player will normally have to submit orders every three days. However if his corps is in contact with the enemy he may have to do so daily.

There are two roles available, that of CinC and corps commander. The full responsibilities of each are shown in the blog Rules for CinC and Rules for corps commander.

Campaign routine
The campaign is divided into moves. There are three moves in each campaign day as follows:

0800 to 1200
1200 to 1600
1600 to 2000

Each CinC will be required to issue orders to his corps every campaign day.

Each corps commander will be required to issue movement orders for his corps for each move of the day

Hidden movement
No enemy locations will be given to players until actual contact is made.

Each corps will have a cavalry brigade screening its advance. This brigade will always be one square ahead of the corps, and can identify enemy up to two squares ahead. Therefore the corps will be aware of enemy who move within three squares.

When this happens the two corps will halt I will send a report from the cavalry to the corps commander, who will then have 24 hours to notify me what he wants to do. If he advances a battle will be fought

All battles will be played as wargames by Jan and me

Campaign blog
I will publish a campaign report each day for each move (that is one third of a campaign day). Maps will only be used to show battle positions, when both sides would be aware of the enemy locations.

If a battle if fought I will publish a battle report for each hour of the battle, as one move on the table is the same as one hour in the campaign

Players required
If you would like to take part in the campaign, or would like further information, please drop me an email at